What is Sustainable and Quality Employment?

“Sustainable and Quality Employment” is one of the investment areas for European funding in Ireland. Funding for this area comes from the European Social Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

The European Social Fund provides employment initiatives that focus on upskilling and support labour mobility for job-seekers and inactive people through the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning. These initiatives prioritise the long-term unemployed.

The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund supports this area through the EMFF Operational Programme for Ireland, by investing in training, mentoring and skills development. The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development supports this investment area through the LEADER Programme, as part of the Rural Development Programme.

Funding for Sustainable and Quality Employment: 419.7 million euro from the Programme for Employability and 18.6 million euro from the EMFF Operational Programme for Ireland.

Examples of Sustainable and Quality Employment Projects

ETB Training by the Unemployed

Training for the Unemployed

European Social Fund

The ESF co-funds training courses for the unemployed through the 16 Education and Training Boards (ETB) across Ireland. The courses cover a number of different subjects and levels. Darragh O’Sullivan, pictured here, was the winner of the 2016 IrelandSkills Beauty Therapy Competition. Darragh completed a Beauty Therapy traineeship in Kerry ETB which was co-funded by the European Social Fund.

To find more details about these courses and how to apply, contact your local ETB.



European Social Fund

Springboard+ offers a wide range of free, part-time and full-time intensive conversion courses at certificate, degree and post-graduate level.

Key Statistics:

  • 80% of participants are no longer on the Live Register.
  • 96% of participants would recommend a course to friends and family.

For more information, go to the dedicated website for Springboard courses.



Fisheries Local Action Groups

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund

There are 7 Fisheries Local Action Groups in Ireland, selecting projects aimed at economic development, harnessing and developing skill in coastal communities, enabling participative involvement, and environmental protection.

To learn more about the work of the Fisheries Local Action Groups and their Strategies, go to the Bord Iascaigh Mhara website.

Which Funds invest in Sustainable and Quality Employment?

Each of the Funds below invests in Sustainable and Quality Employment. Click on these tiles to explore the other investments made by each Fund.