What is Social Inclusion?
“Social Inclusion” is one of the investment areas targeted by European funding in Ireland. The goal of this investment is to help people or communities with difficulties participating in society. Two funds support this investment area: the European Social Fund and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
Through the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning, the European Social Fund helps disadvantaged people, who may struggle to participate in society, and those who may find it difficult to prosper in education, get a job, or to connect with their community. The Programme also includes measures to promote equal opportunities and combat discrimination.
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development has a dedicated programme, the LEADER Programme, that empowers local community groups to encourage sustainable growth in their local areas.
Funding for Social Inclusion: 297.6 million euro from the Programme for Employability and 250 million euro from the Rural Development Programme.
Garda Youth Diversion Projects
European Social Fund
This initiative helps young people that are at risk of, or involved in, anti-social or criminal behaviour. It focusses on community-centred projects helping these young people connect with their local areas, enabling them to make positive choices and stop offending.
Read Patrick and Jamie’s story for more about the kind of projects these young people get involved in.